Brand Design
Paid Media

The lender & ground-up developer, Urban Standard tapped Azai Studios to craft a brand that positions them as an industry trailblazer, catering to the dreamers, builders, and landscape shapers.

Project details
Real Estate | Developer & Debt Fund
  • Over 1 billion in deals post brand launch
  • 30% segment brand lift
3D, CGI, VFX, & Motion Graphics
Advertising Campaigns
Brand Design
Brand Guidelines & Useage
Branded Films
Branded Social Content
Content Strategy
Motion Design
Webflow Design & Development
Visual Identity
UX/UI design
Social Media Strategy
Product Photography
Social Media Account Setup & Management
Verbal Identity

Azai Studios takes great pride in its role as the Agency of Record for USC, Urban Standard Capital, a leading figure in the NYC real estate industry creating the future landscape. We were entrusted with creating a distinct and resonant brand identity for USC, we drew inspiration from the dynamic ebbs and flows of the market to craft the iconic USC swoop. This logo serves as a testament to USC's unwavering commitment through market fluctuations, embodying professionalism and trust while deeply resonating with clients and industry peers. It stands as a symbol of USC's enduring prominence in the competitive real estate landscape.

For over five years, Azai Studios has been a steadfast partner to USC, ensuring that the brand's visual identity remains aligned with its core values and mission. From overseeing USC’s comprehensive brand strategy to managing a diverse range of design and advertising initiatives, our team brings a blend of precision and creativity to every project. Embracing a modern and flexible approach to design, we produce dynamic digital assets such as polished documents, impactful signage, and compelling social media content. Our commitment lies in cultivating curated brand awareness across all touchpoints, enhancing USC’s online presence, and driving increased engagement to propel USC towards sustained success in the ever-evolving real estate market.


Enough about us, let’s show the world what you’re all about.

For over a decade, we've helped business & entrepreneurs around the world create brands that not only look beautiful, but have a positive impact on their customers, employees, and bottom line.